Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Presidential Election

Last night, Barack Obama won in presidential election.
It was the biggest event for people all over the world. It is because America is still the center of the world both economically and politically.

However, I watched an election on TV only a little. I had a presentation in a class today and had to prepare for it.......
So, I was back to my room so late and so tired. When my roommate came back to my room at 2 (maybe), I was sleeping........(actually I didn't want to sleep...)
I remember that Obama led 200-80 poles when I watched TV the last time.

Talk about my roommate.
He is black and he chrishes his race. Now, he majors in sociology.
Before I came here, I didn't know much about black history.
My roommate and his friends often talk about it. Thanks to them, I could know their culture and history.
When I was in Japan, I thought people shouldn't choose Obama only by his race.
However, I realized it could an appropriate reason that they vote for Obama because of his race.
Actually, blacks have been separated for a long period. And it is a hope for them that Obama becomes a president of this country.

My roommate was so happy when he came back. And I also became happy by looking his pleased face.
Anyway, I have a lot of works to do tonight. So, I finish writing.

Congratulations! to those who supported Obama

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